
Showing posts from October 14, 2015

The Triumph of Colors – Exhibition in Barcelona

The  most known painters of France in Barcelona? Yes! From the 10 th of October through 3 months you can get the chance to visit the engrossing exhibition of The Triumph of Color, which leads you from impressionism to avant-garde painting using the effects of bright colors.  You can´t miss to see the most prominent painters of France from Van Gogh, Cézanne or Toulouse-Lautrec , through   Seurat, Signac and the School of Pont-Aven, Gauguin , till   Sérusier, Bonnard and the group of the “Nabis” . The Triumph of Color was specially organized for the opening of the new hall of Mafre Foundation in Barcelona, called Casa Garriga i Nogués. I f you are in Barcelona, don´t miss to see the 72 masterpieces of the exhibition which have arrived directly from the Musée d´Orsay, to show you the key role of colors in the evolution of painting. During impressionism the colors meant to be the most important tools to express the artists´ sensation, experiences and person