
Showing posts from October 12, 2015

Autos Locos in Barcelona 2015

By now the name of Red Bull Soapbox Race probably sounds familiar to you - now it's organized in many countries of the world, given the chance to the applicants to show their creativity. Do you want to see how ingenious the spanish people can be when it comes to the soapbox bulding? Then let's meet in Barcelona on 31th of October 2015! The first edition of Autos Locos in Barcelona took part in 2003, since then more and more people had joined the initiation, but only the 60 best groups can try their totally home made car on the streets of Barcelona. Take a look on this years finalists! And who can win this compatition? Well, among a lot of requirements the groups have to build a creative and innovative home made car with the ability of staying in one piece until they reach the finnish line. To get the ingenious machines move, they start their way from the top of a platfrom using only the force of gravity all the way. Spend an amazing weekend in Barcel