
Showing posts from October 7, 2015

9 de Octubre - Festival in Valencia

If you are planning your vacation to Valencia for the autumn-time, we full-heartedly recommend you to visit the city in the beginng of October. Why? Because the festival of 9 de Octubre will let you breathless! Apart from celebrating the autonomy of Valencia, 9th of October is also the day of Saint Dionysius, this way considered to be the Valentine's Day of Spain. Celebrating the autonomy  The region of Valencia has it's autonomy since 1238 when King James I officially entered the city and liberated it from Moorish rule. From the year of 1365 Valencia celebrate this pivotal event of their history. The protagonist of 9th of October is unquestionably the flag of the Valencian region, the so called 'La Senyera'. As part of the festive they lower the flag from the first balcony of the Town Hall to carry it to the Chatedral, where the 'Te Deum' is celebrated. Insted of lowering the flag from the balcony as they usually do, on this day it's lo