What to do in Valencia on New Year’s Eve?

The last night of December is definitely one of the most waited nights of the year. Preparing for the new experiences, new friends, new bucket lists and wows, and above all; for the biggest party of the year! So, let´s see what Valencia offers you on the last evening of 2015!

As you may know, eating together – especially in the evening – is essential in Spain! All the family and friends get together on the end of the day to eat out or to eat at home and share the things that have happened to them on that day – and of course: to have fun. How could it be different on the 31st of December?

Option 1# - Party with dinner
In Valencia a lot of clubs and restaurants offer you parties that includes dinner as well – and naturally Champaign and grapes at midnight to bring you luck! If you want to celebrate with the family without worrying what to eat or what to drink and after decide where to go, it´s the perfect choice for you.

Option 2# - Dance till the morning
A bit more economic choice is to eat somewhere with your friends first and after go to you favorite club.  Almost every of the clubs offer you thematic nights to celebrate the New Year together.

Option 3# - Celebrate with us!
Winter holiday season is something very special for us. As one big family we get together to share the last moments of the year – we eat together, countdown together and eat the 12 pieces of grapes of luck at midnight together! And after what? Let´s set out to a pubcrawl, or go dance to a club with your old and new friends you just got to know during you stay at our hostel

We wish you a very happy New Year!