
Showing posts from December 28, 2011

Mercat de les Flors: Dance and Movement Arts | Barcelona

Mercat de les Flors: Dance and Movement Arts | Barcelona The Mercat de les Flors is a performance space dedicated to dance and movement arts, with six new sessions that include installations, conferences, performances, video art and workshops. The Seccións kicks off with a Som Faves, a piece by Bulgarian choreographer Ivo Dimchev, which will be in English. On the first floor of the Mercat de Flors you can watch an interesting new video installation entitled Trio C, which reflects on the different approaches in dance, the phisical movement of bodies dancing, and the relationship beween the dancer and the audience. where many Fridays, just after the function, the choreographers are invited to spend some time with your audience (occasionally the Mercat de les Flors informs visitors of these meetings). To check the upcoming shows, see the official webpage of the Mercat de les Flors:  To book a cheap hostels in Barcelona, CLICK HERE to visit the official F